Averys Golden Ginger Ale 355ml
Averys Golden Ginger Ale 355ml
Avery's Golden Ginger Ale (355 mL) glass bottle with a simple label that reads, "Always Ask for Avery's. Trademark Gold Coin Beverages. Established 1904." The cap has a golden ginger ale sticker, and the side states, "Avery's has been making old fashioned gourmet soda for over 100 years using real cane sugar and the finest quality ingredients. Enjoy!"
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Avery's Golden Ginger Ale comes in a 12 fl oz (355 mL) glass bottle with a simple label that reads, "Always Ask for Avery's. Trademark Gold Coin Beverages. Established 1904." The cap has a golden ginger ale sticker, and the side states, "Avery's has been making old fashioned gourmet soda for over 100 years using real cane sugar and the finest quality ingredients. Enjoy!"
The transparent, amber liquid gives a short hiss upon opening, followed by a sizzling pour. There's a slightly pungent dry ginger scent, and carbonation that nips at the tongue. Taste that medium viscosity and discover mild ginger with slight acidity and dryness. With forward sweetness, this is an old-fashioned soda that is simple and sweet, perfect for those who prefer a classic taste.
In summary, Avery's Golden Ginger Ale:
- smells of slightly pungent dry ginger
- tastes of mild ginger with forward sweetness
- is a simple, classic taste
It pairs well with basic lunch fare and salty snacks, so try Avery's Golden Ginger Ale today!